• To be honest, I'd be happy with anything. When I worked at a for-profit, I got nothing, well, that's not true the first couple of years we got a turkey at thanksgiving (US), but the last few nothing. I would have been totally shocked by a bonus, cash or otherwise at that company.

    Here's what I'd like to see in an employer:

    1. Flexible work hours.

    2. Comp time, so if I need to work extra hours one week/day to get a problem solved I can re-coup the family time lost.

    3. Generous vacation time. 2 weeks just isn't enough.

    4. A training/conference budget for me. Tell me what I get and let me spend it on what I want in regard to professional books, classes, or conferences.

    5. Good health insurance w/ dental and vision. With kids this is a big deal.