Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Recursive cross join to get all available combinaisons RE: Recursive cross join to get all available combinaisons

  • Chris Morris-439714 (4/8/2010)

    Ninja (Remi?)

    Sympathies mate. How much leeway do you have with the db? Can you for instance sneak in a trigger here and there, and maybe a link table?

    It's an interesting challenge as you and others have pointed out, so I'm fiddling with a recursive CTE to see if it can do anything useful.

    The problem I kept running into with the recursive CTE is the 'missing in the middle' number. Sequences for combos up to 4 combos aren't a problem, once you hit 5 and can have to generate stuff like '02,05' '02,03,05' etc, it falls apart.

    Although, in typing that I might have just thought of way to fix that problem. Keyword being "might" =).

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

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