Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) Recursive cross join to get all available combinaisons RE: Recursive cross join to get all available combinaisons

  • bteraberry (4/7/2010)

    This is a really interesting problem. I cannot think of a way to do it completely dynamic in terms of the maximum size of your combination collections and I'm hoping someone will come along with an amazing method I never would have considered.

    However, if you can limit the maximum element grouping to a certain number, I have a possible suggestion for you. Basically, it's a tally table ... the numbers would join back to a ROW_NUMBER or identity or however you want to join back to your actual data. The 0's would be non-joins (so as to account for groupings smaller than the maximum.

    My tiny tally table to avoid getting too many results back:

    declare @test-2 table (myInt int)

    insert into @test-2(myInt)

    select 0

    union select 1

    union select 2

    union select 3

    union select 4

    union select 5

    union select 6

    union select 7

    union select 8

    union select 9

    union select 10

    And my logic to build my complex-er tally table:

    select t1.myInt col1,

    t2.myInt col2,

    t3.myInt col3,

    t4.myInt col4,

    t5.myInt col5,

    t6.myInt as col6

    from @test-2 t1

    join @test-2 t2

    on t2.myInt > t1.myInt

    join @test-2 t3

    on t3.myInt > t2.myInt or t3.myInt = 0

    join @test-2 t4

    on (t4.myInt > t3.myInt and t3.myInt > 0) or t4.myInt = 0

    join @test-2 t5

    on (t5.myInt > t4.myInt and t4.myInt > 0) or t5.myInt = 0

    join @test-2 t6

    on (t6.myInt > t5.myInt and t5.myInt > 0) or t6.myInt = 0

    where t1.myInt > 0

    order by t1.myInt, t2.myInt

    With only the 10 initial values, it should return 837 possible combination of between 2 and 6 elements.

    I would be interested to hear feedback.



    The problem with this approach is that it assumes a max # of recursions... I could of course go on a limb and go all the way to 25 levels up front but I can't even estimate the # of rows this dataset would include. I adjusted your code to have 25 values instead of 10 and still do only 6 joins and the result had almost 250 000 rows... I can't imagine going even only to 16 with this.