• Hi I joined the party late. Sorry for that. First the question was great. Secondly who is "RESPONSIBLE" to correct this question. WE ALL OF US RESPONSIBLE?

    Hey guys this is a great community but anybody thought who made this community "GREAT"? Is it Steve or Jeff Moden or GilaMonster or Paul white or Grumpy DBA or Rufio (Sorry for others for not mentioning your names :-P)? No it is all of us. We all are responsible. In a community one can make a mistake but others will immediately rectify him. This makes a community great. I found if a question is 'wrong' we all jump into it to find out the error, we Gooooooogle it and we all learn MORE than a correct question. Mistakes only makes us perfect. I would suggest atleast 1 wrong question (Every Friday - to get R&D time more) every week to make us learn more. 🙂 We will later issue a HOTFIX (Like Microsoft) for these BUG questions.

    I will suggest Steve to provide points (As incentive) to the user who will prove a question is wrong (With prove documents).