• Good article 🙂

    I used recursion in in 2000 and CTE in 2005, and always had the thought that while my solution seemed clever, the aftermath of dealing with it was always a pain. Moving nodes and children and/or getting all children direct and indirect or all ancestors direct or indirect etc. The implementation in 2008/R2, while not perfect has come a long way. I didn't realize it was implemented via CLR until reading the article, but that makes sense as it is calling methods and such.

    I rated the article 5 stars, but my one complaint is that you squeezed UDT's into the picture after an already full article. UDT's might not fit by themselves into an article, but I think the Hierarchy implementation was quite enough for this article. I know, picky, picky, but that just my 2 cents worth of constructive criticism.

