• Hi Goldie,

    The following script is giving the outcome you want in my test database.

    As you will see there is a string split function within the first part of the sql

    Then a concetenation takes place in the second part.

    You can find reference documents about the code for sql split string function and sql concatenation function

    DECLARE @OutlineNumber VARCHAR(1000) = '.I.A.1.b';

    with cte as (

    select rn=ROW_NUMBER() over (order by id), val

    from dbo.split(@OutlineNumber,'.')

    where len(val ) > 0







    '.' + c.val

    FROM cte c

    WHERE c.rn <= cte.rn

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ), 1, 1, ''

    ) As concatenated_string

    from cte

    I hope that helps,
