Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Administering SQL Server Agent will not start and there are no error logs. RE: SQL Server Agent will not start and there are no error logs.

  • Also check the file system permissions on the folders where the system databases were installed to verify that the local windows group has the correct permissions.

    Jeffrey - That did it. Thank you.

    I gave full control to the local Windows group SQLServer2005SQLAgentUser$ServerName$MSSQLSERVER on the E:\MSSQL\LOG folder. These are the same permissions as the default folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\LOG. Weird, I thought I tried this.

    The strange thing is, I did not have to do this on the E:\MSSQL\LOG folder or the F:\MSSQL\DATA folder for the SQL Server Service which uses the SQL_Srv1 domain account. I verified that SQL_Srv1 is NOT a local administrator.

    Hopefully some can explain why.