• Carlo Romagnano (3/11/2010)

    if one table has one o more rows and the other is void, the result is 0.

    NumberOfRows * 0 = 0

    This is a very good feature of the count function, to still return 0 if there is nothing to count. This makes it different from other aggregates, which will return null if there is nothing to consider. For example,

    use AdventureWorks;


    declare @one_or_more table


    DepartmentID smallint,

    [Name] nvarchar(50)


    declare @void table (DepartmentID smallint, [Name] nvarchar(50));

    -- insert 10 records into @one_or_more and leave @void empty

    insert into @one_or_more


    top 10 DepartmentID, [Name]

    from HumanResources.Department;

    select count(*) RecordCount, min(A.DepartmentID) DepartmentID

    from @one_or_more A, @void B;


    resulting in

    RecordCount DepartmentID

    ----------- ------------

    0 NULL

    illustrates the point. The cartesian product does not return anything because the @void has no records, the min(A.DepartmentID) is therefore null though the value of the first department in the @one_or_more is actually 1, but the count shines here as it still returns 0, not null. I am not saying that implementation of the count is better, but I find this feature extremely useful.

    This is a very good question, really liked it.
