• Questions:

    1st How can i see what event is the one in the first raw as the procedure name appears NULL

    -- You can capture EventClass column (27) in your profiler

    2nd Am i doing the conversion to minutes well?

    I need to get all the info that was running more than a minute but i'm completely lost on how should i change the data used to minutes/seconds.:crying:

    -- in SQL Server 2008, duration field stores microsecond. So, 1,000,000 = 1 second

    3rd I put @maxfilesize = 3000 in the profiler template (Aux-Profiler-Template.txt)

    I need to know if the file will be rewrited if the file growth to 3GB (@maxfilesize) before end time?

    -- @maxfilesize = 3000 means a new trace file will be generated (automatically) when current trace file reached 3GB of size.

    4th Can i use any parameter that create a new file(s) when the maxfilesize will be at limit?

    -- refer 3rd. you don't need to. file name will be appended will a running number.
