• marvin.elder (3/4/2010)

    Actually I have to throw a criticism here to our good friends at SqlServerCentral.com for allowing this article to be posted. I'm guessing the 90% of the readers of these articles are seasoned practitioners, but even the other 10% need to know the accepted tenets and nomenclature of relational databases. Quality control in order here?

    I'd have to disagree with Marvin here. All articles should be read in context of both their rating and linked discussion. You would NEVER get a article like this from a DBA. As a developer, I think Tim gave it the perspective akin to the one I wish some DBAs would give developers regading Data Access Layers. It is because these two pieces are often looked at in isolation that I have seen so many horrendous implementations.

    No to censorship. The freedom of this site gives it its valued diversity.

    FYI I have no connection to SSC (beyond user/membership), Red Gate and I have never played rugby with Steve (Union I am assuming young man!!!).


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!