• Tim,

    I certainly hope that none of my comments caused offence. I always intend to improve my own knowledge and try to achieve that through reading followed by intelligent debate. The internet has both improved this and been a retrograde step.

    I now can discuss with the author and a group of people of differing experience, skill sets and backgrounds about the given topic.

    Unfortunately, with the terseness of forums, the immediacy and permenancy of comments together with the fact that some of the commenters are writing in English which is not their first language (take the Americans for example - oh come on, of course I am joking!!!), people tend to rush in with criticisms as they get exasperated when they select something that takes up their precious time but is not applicable to them.

    You might have noticed that the comments which appeared to be more vitriolic in content, as opposed to discussing the content from a theoretical and practical viewpoint, all seemed to be posted by 'Forum Newbie's. Although I have been coming to this website for many years (the joining date on my profile lies - don't ask), I have only been really active in the last twelve months yet over all that time the discussions often get heated but rarely to vicious.

    To sum up: Keep posting.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!