• Hi Gail,

    GilaMonster (2/20/2010)

    Hunterwood (2/16/2010)

    It´s allways a good rule of thumb to use TOP 1 together with EXISTS, because it prevents the database engine from doing unneccesary work.

    Got an example that proves that?

    No. I don't. But in some situations when trying to optimize queries, I have seen better performace when changing from "exists (select * from..." to "exists (select TOP 1 1 from ...". Don't have any specific example, though.

    My conclusion is also based on the article "Time Bomb Coding" by David Poole: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Performance+Tuning/69337/, wich addresses this topic (among others).

    If the databases are small the performance difference might not be so huge, but it´s allways a good habbit. 🙂

    A good habit is to test alternatives and see exactly what the performance difference really is, if there's one in the first place.

    Your'e right. Never knows what works best in a specific case without testing alternatives.

    I obviously was too fast to make my conclusion that it's allways better. Thanks for the good analyze and example!

    What is your opinion on the article?

    Have you ever seen a performance problem using the code bellow (copied from the article)?

    IF ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM .... WHERE ...) > 0



