• Hi freinds,

    Me not that much strong like u guys, u my seniors but i want to share something my small research with u. If u feel any mistake in my research for capacity planning, so pls give ur valuable suggestions,

    Supppose we have a table emp:

    EMP Table


    Feild Type

    Empno - Int(4) ---> 64bytes (db capacity calculation)

    Empname - varcahr(50) db. avg siz = 400 bytes

    Sal - money 1 day = 12000 rows (daily transaction)

    *(multiply by)

    1 month = 30

    *(multiply by)

    3 month = 90 (v.versa)

    Avg space req. = ?

    Example: (To stimate db capcity plan)

    Avg. size of row = 400 byts

    No. of rows per day = 12000

    Working days in a month = 30

    Frequency (how many months) = 3 months


    Space to be allocated for the db = 3*30*12000*400

    Note: Based on designed tables we can stimate the db size/capacity.

    Thanks & regards,


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