Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Tally table ASCII validator - Anyone ever did this? RE: Tally table ASCII validator - Anyone ever did this?

  • Jeff Moden (2/18/2010)


    Lowell's code does that correctly.

    Well, not exactly. The second version of StripHighAscii (the one with the loop) can give you very odd results depending on the collation being used. I use collation Latin1_general_CI_AS and

    select dbo.StripHighAscii('a123²³') give me 'a' as a result, because the replace function does a case insensitive comparision. This can be fixed by changing the collation of the search character


    SET @originaltext = replace(@originaltext,CHAR(@i) collate Latin1_General_BIN,'')


    Check out the following script to see what happens when using a certain collation

    with Tally as


    select top 256

    number - 1 N




    type = 'P'



    t1.N, char(t1.N), t2.N, char(t2.N)


    Tally t1

    cross join

    Tally t2


    t1.N >= 128

    and t2.N < 128

    and char(t1.N) = char(t2.N)
