• Jeff Moden (2/6/2010)

    ...... I should have qualified my statement. Instead of saying...

    "I believe you'll find it's a wee bit more difficult to do than just using REPLACE."

    ... I should have said...

    "I believe you'll find it's a wee bit more difficult to do it in a high performance manner using just REPLACE.".......

    I knew it was coming, Jeff.:-) I know you would always come up with more optimized solution than this.

    And I agree with you on the reusable optimized code; there is really no harm in using optimized code though it is for a one time or one row execution.

    Thank you Jeff, for taking time and letting me know few of the cases where a while loop beats a tally table.

    I wonder how many more cases I would see where a while loop beats a tally table.:-)
