• Obviously a database with 65,000+ tables is going to take longer than a few seconds... I don't work typically work with databases that large. Most of my work is integrating e-commerce websites & accounting software integrations, in which case both applications typically have 50-100 tables and a similar number of stored procedures and views.

    For these small to medium-sized applications, I'm willing to sacrifice the negligible loss in performance for the rich UI & ability to quickly see relevant information for each item in the results. Everyone works different & given the way I work, this tool is of great value to me. I find that it boosts my productivity and since I bill hourly, that directly translates into more $! 🙂

    Ultimately, this is a productivity tool designed to plugin to the another productivity tool; SQL Server Management Studio. If I had to use scripts for all of the things I do in Management Studio, I would probably have another profession...

    Out of curiosity, what would impress you in a SQL application that couldn't be done by simply running scripts? Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything in SQL is actually a script running in the background....