• chrism-787002 (2/3/2010)

    I'm unimpressed. I wrote a simple TSQL script to search for text strings across all tables in a database and it took a lot less than a week.

    This is a large problem with most businesses. They spend time and energy convincing us that we need tools when we already have all the tools at our disposal.

    Why bother with SSMS if you can do everything from the command line? Simple, usability! Instead of having to run a script manually whenever you want to search for something, now we have a brilliant tool that allows us to quickly & easily search an entire SQL Server in mere seconds. Plus, the results are MUCH nicer to work with in the interface as opposed to a simple table of results.

    All in all, I find the product very useful & WAY faster than editing a script manually to search for objects. I don't know about you, but for me, time is money & this is gold! 🙂

    Congrats to the product team & thank you to Red Gate for providing this product to the community for free!