• Hi Willem, i tried on this query

    select x.TRUSTID,Y.Date1, isnull(x.total,0) from

    (select TRUSTID, Date=convert(varchar(25),UPLOADTIME,103),

    Total=SUM(uploadlncnt) from DCLIVEJOBS where UPLOADTIME between '2010-01-01' and '2010-01-31'



    right outer join

    (select '' as TA_A_NAme,convert(varchar(25),DATE,103) as date1,0 as Total from dbo.F_TABLE_DATE('01-Jan-2010','31-Jan-2010')

    )Y on Y.Date1=X.Date order by Y.Date1

    but i am getting 0 below the date column with a new row added (attached the screenshot), and more over i need to add a new row below the date date row and display the date as 31-Jan-2000