• Interesting article.

    I just started using context_info a while ago when I found about it in the forum. I developed a UDF that I use in trigger to check for bypass. I actually check if trigger name is saved inside context_info (convert to varchar, works like a charm).

    When I want to disable triggers, I just put their names (as long as cumulative length is <128) inside context_info (converted to binary). Triggers then checks for bypass with a simple UDF call (if dbo.TriggerBypass = 1 return).

    This concept should clarify most questions Razvan pointed out. If context_info was used for anything else (I can't think of such need at the moment) then some type of sharing would have to be developed. Varbinary data type may scare some people away, but you can easily convert between varchar and varbinary. 128 bytes is not much, but a lot of signals can be put in with good coding.