• I don't know, I think those without the passion and going through the motions are wasting their lives--and that's terribly sad. I know that I'm blessed with working in a field I have a consuming passion for, and I'm not saying you have to live and breathe this stuff 24/7, but you do have to *enjoy* it, at the very least.

    If you're just surviving then you need to find something else, because this field will kill you from stress eventually if you don't--or cause lots of damage to your spirit.

    Reality often sucks, it's true. Not everybody can pick and choose their work. I have no problem answering questions and helping those who want it. But like many of us the demands for a quick fix, or worse having me do some stranger's work for them, gets wearing after a while.

    Bottom line, if you don't like doing this stuff, if it's a chore, then *run away*, very very fast. You'll be better off.