• I only really use tibbling on views and stored procs names and have moved right away from it on tables. My application development work is totally through stored procs and the .Net data access layer now so I never refer to the tables directly in program code but to datatable objects within the dataset which are built from often complex select statements referring to multiple tables. In T-SQL short aliases are often used for table names anyway, as column references need quantifying with the table name.

    I use various prefixes on stored procs to denote their type eg dap_ for data access layer CRUD) procedures, lp_ for lookup tables procedures, rp_ for procedures used solely for reporting and up_ (user defined proc) for the leftovers.

    I really hate tibbling on column names. One database we manage, written by a long departed contractor, has total tibbling and is highly normalised but has no database stored relationships, so that you have to remember that intTitleFK_ID relates to key field PKintTitleID in TblTitles just to get Mr, Mrs or Miss - the name difference in the columns means nothing will link automatically and various int columns have been changed to varchar over the years but not been re-named 🙁