• Ben Thul (1/18/2010)

    I think to truly support walls in the middle of the grid, you'd need to change how you encode the maze. I thought of one such encoding using bit masks. Each square has a value v. If v & 0x01 <> 0, there's a can there, v & 0x02 <> 0 means there's a wall to the north, v & 0x04 means a wall to the east, etc. If you're also generating the maze programatically, you have to be careful about not putting cans in a closed area. But that's another issue 🙂

    All I know is if I put a wall of 2's in there and print out @robotview, it will show that the robot does see walls inside the room. In the movement code, if it wants to move that direction but there is a wall there, it loses 5 points.