Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 Administration How I can get alert if SQL Server Login is Locked Out due to wrong password attempts exceeded? RE: How I can get alert if SQL Server Login is Locked Out due to wrong password attempts exceeded?

  • Create job - Alert-LoginFailureDetected

    This job executes the stored procedure 'usp_AlertLoginFailed' when the alert is triggered. After calling the stored procedure, the variable @SendAlert returns the value 'YES' when an e-mail needs to be sent.

    Job Name: Alert-LoginFailureDetected--

    DECLARE @SendAlert char(3)

    DECLARE @iTimeRangeInSeconds int

    SET @iTimeRangeInSeconds = 3600

    -- Get the last time the alert message was sent

    DECLARE @dtLastRun datetime

    SELECT top 1 @dtLastRun =

    CAST(CAST(run_date AS char(8)) + ' ' + -- Convert run_date to DateTime data type

    STUFF(STUFF( -- Insert : into Time

    RIGHT('000000' + -- Add leading Zeros

    CAST(run_time AS varchar(6)) ,6) , 3, 0, ':'), 6, 0, ':') AS datetime)

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs A, msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory B

    WHERE A.job_id = B.job_id AND B.run_status = 1

    AND A.name = 'Alert-LoginFailureDetected-Send-Alert'


    -- Check if the last alert sent was within the specified time frame

    SELECT 'Job Last Run Date', @dtLastRun

    IF @dtLastRun is null OR

    dateadd(s, -@iTimeRangeInSeconds, current_timestamp ) > @dtLastRun


    EXEC admin.dbo.usp_AlertLoginFailed


    @iTimeRangeInSeconds=@iTimeRangeInSeconds ,

    @SendAlert=@SendAlert OUTPUT

    SELECT '*** SendAlert=' + @SendAlert

    IF @SendAlert='YES'


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job N'Alert-LoginFailureDetected-Send-Alert'

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:15' -- Give Send Alert a chance to finish





    SELECT '*** Alert Message recently sent. No more checks will be made until ',

    dateadd(s, @iTimeRangeInSeconds, @dtLastRun )



    * @iFailureCount - Send e-mail when this number of login failures occurred within the specified time range.

    * @iTimeRangeInSeconds - It has two uses. First, it specifies how many seconds in the past to check for login failures. Second, after sending an e-mail, update the alert setting "delay between responses" to this value. The alert will then wait for the specified number of seconds before responding to additional login failures.

    * @EmailRecipients - List each e-mail address that will receive the message and separate each address by a comma.

    * @SendAlert - This variable returns the value "YES" after sending an e-mail. Use this variable to execute other stored procedures or jobs in response to repeated login failures.

    Create Job - Alert-LoginFailureDetected-Send-Alert --

    This job is started by the job 'Alert-LoginFailureDetected' when an e-mail needs to be sent to the DBA team alerting them of repeated login failures. The SQL contains the e-mail stored procedures used for both SQL Server 2000 and 2005. Delete the one you do not need. Set the variable @EmailRecipients to your DBA teams e-mail address.

    PRINT ' High number of failed login alerts detected'

    DECLARE @EmailRecipients varchar(255)

    DECLARE @vcSubject varchar(255)

    DECLARE @vcMessage varchar(255)

    SET @EmailRecipients = 'myteam@yourdomain.com'

    SET @vcSubject = @@ServerName + ': High Volume of login Failure Alerts Detected'

    SET @vcMessage = 'Please check the event logs for the user login that attempted to login.'

    PRINT 'Alert E-mail sent '

    -- Stored procedure used in SQL Server 2005

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'Default',

    @recipients = @EmailRecipients,

    @subject = @vcSubject,

    @Body =@vcMessage

    -- Stored procedure used in SQL Server 2000

    EXEC admin.dbo.usp_cdosendmail

    @From =@@SERVERNAME,

    @To =@EmailRecipients,

    @Subject =@vcSubject,

    @Body =@vcMessage

    Hope this helps...


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