• Very "effen" cool! Kind of makes me think of my roomba vacuum lol. I was wondering about the effectiveness of a "random" move as well. Also, for example, if you have a wall at center and east, how can you have anything to the north? Are there more rules that cant happen?

    I added this for a graphical representation of the Decipher Rules Results (@rules table), made it easier to follow the rules...(oh yeah, you have to view in results to text 😉 )

    declare @crlf char(2)

    set @crlf = char(13) + char(10)

    select ' ' +

    case n

    when 0 then ' O '

    when 1 then ' X '

    when 2 then '!!!'


    + ' ' + @crlf +

    case w

    when 0 then ' O '

    when 1 then ' X '

    when 2 then '!!!'



    case c

    when 0 then ' O '

    when 1 then ' X '

    when 2 then '!!!'



    case e

    when 0 then ' O '

    when 1 then ' X '

    when 2 then '!!!'


    + ' = ' +

    case a

    when 0 then 'Go North'

    when 1 then 'Go South'

    when 2 then 'Go East'

    when 3 then 'Go West'

    when 4 then 'Pick up'

    when 5 then 'Move Random'


    + @crlf + ' ' +

    case s

    when 0 then ' O '

    when 1 then ' X '

    when 2 then ' _ '


    + ' ' + @crlf + '-----------------------' + @crlf

    from @rules

    order by n, w, c, e, s, a