• Can anyone post a working code example of a Windows Service? I tried using the code in the article and had to play with it a bit to get it to compile. I then added an installer project and eventually installed the service in Windows. My service starts then stops and I get the message that "your service started then stopped..."

    Here is what I have:

    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.ComponentModel;

    using System.Data;

    using System.Diagnostics;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.ServiceProcess;

    using System.Text;

    using System.Data.SqlClient;

    using System.Xml;

    using System.IO;

    namespace svcbroker


    public partial class Service1 : ServiceBase


    private bool m_Terminate = false;

    private string LogFolder = "c:\\svcbroker\\LogFolder\\";

    private string ArchiveFolder = "c:\\svcbroker\\ArchiveFolder\\";

    public Service1()




    protected override void OnStart(string[] args)


    using (SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=ServiceBroker;Integrated Security=SSPI"))



    using (SqlCommand Cmd = Conn.CreateCommand())


    Cmd.CommandText = "ProcessLogQueue";

    Cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    Cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; // no timeout

    while (!this.m_Terminate) // looping until the service is stopped


    string Response = Cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); // execute the command

    if (Response.Length > 0)


    XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();


    XmlNode RootNode = Doc.SelectSingleNode("LOG");

    XmlNode RowNode = RootNode.SelectSingleNode("Row");

    string ProcessName = RowNode.SelectSingleNode("ProcessName").InnerText;

    string MachineName = RowNode.SelectSingleNode("MachineName").InnerText;

    string MachineFolder = Path.Combine(this.LogFolder, MachineName);

    if (!Directory.Exists(MachineFolder))






    catch (Exception Ex)


    // log the failure to a logfile for the Windows Service




    // create the name of the log file

    string FileName = Path.Combine(MachineFolder, ProcessName + ".log");



    this.CheckLog(MachineName, FileName); // does the log file nee to be archived?


    catch (Exception Ex)


    // log the failure to a logfile for the Windows Service





    using (StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter(FileName, true))


    SW.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1}", RowNode.SelectSingleNode("LogTime").InnerText,




    catch (SqlException Ex)


    // log the failure to a logfile for the Windows Service and quit


    catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)


    // we have been ordered to quit


    catch (Exception Ex)


    // log the failure to a logfile for the Windows Service and quit







    private void CheckLog ( string MachineName, string FileName )


    FileInfo FI = new FileInfo ( FileName );

    if ( FI.Exists )


    DateTime Today = Convert.ToDateTime ( DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString () );

    if ( FI.LastWriteTime < Today )


    string ArchiveFileName = Path.GetFileName ( FileName ).Replace ( ".log", FI.LastWriteTime.ToString ( "yyyyMMdd" ) + ".log" );

    string MachineFolder = Path.Combine ( this.ArchiveFolder, MachineName );

    if ( !Directory.Exists ( MachineFolder ) )


    Directory.CreateDirectory ( MachineFolder );


    FI.MoveTo ( Path.Combine ( MachineFolder, ArchiveFileName ) );




    protected override void OnStop()



