• Got it wrong as well, as I found a third way to interpret the QotD:

    We have server ABC and installed two instance on it ABC\First and ABC\Second. we setup the Transactional replication from ABC to ABC\first. after 1 week we installed instance ABC\Second(control panel\add remove program\... unstall ABC\Second).

    I thought of a replication between ABC (default instance) and ABC\First, and a reinstallation of ABC\Second. And nothing should happen in this case, should it?

    Regarding the language difficulties issue: I am Austrian, thus English is a second language to me. I have been lucky to get an excellent education at high school which prepared me for my career. English is a minor problem for me, but a major for many of my friends and colleagues.

    Working in a multinational bank with subsidiaries in many Slavic countries English is our working language, and sometimes it is fun to hear and see what people are talking and writing. Nevertheless I could hardly imagine anyone I know would dare publishing a text like this QotD in a forum read by thousands of people. Those who are not capable to do it better just know about their troubles with the foreign language and would look for help. The result may be imperfect but comprehensible.

    Nevertheless, mocking others neither helps any author lacking language capabilities nor us to understand the question. It is not a funny joke, it is just bad manners. Maybe I am a bit oversensitive here, but looking some time back in history some Herrenmenschen started their political career by humiliating and mocking others. Respect is a necessary foundation for effective communication. Lacking respect leads to quarrels in the better case and to wars in the worse.

    Best regards,
    Dietmar Weickert.