• With a few changes, it runs on SQL2000: (table names go into the WHERE clause on line 35, eg 'tIndividuals') - Merci, Jean-Pierre - RM

    --Jean-Pierre Lebrasseur

    --date 04-12-2009

    --this script give you columns parameters order by table name and ordinal position by table.

    declare @sqlstmt char(500)

    declare @name char(50)

    declare @coldefinition char(50)

    declare CreateParam cursor for

    select 'declare @' + c.name, col_definition =

    case t.name

    when 'bigint' then 'bigint'

    when 'int' then 'int'

    when 'smallint' then 'smallint'

    when 'tinyint' then 'tinyint'

    when 'bit' then 'bit'

    when 'decimal' then 'decimal'

    when 'numeric' then 'numeric'

    when 'money' then 'money'

    when 'smallmoney' then 'smallmoney'

    when 'float' then 'float'

    when 'real' then 'real'

    when 'datetime' then 'datetime'

    when 'smalldatetime' then 'smalldatetime'

    when 'sql_variant' then 'sql_variant'

    when 'timestamp' then 'timestamp'

    when 'uniqueidentifier' then 'uniqueidentifier'

    when 'xml' then 'xml'

    else t.name + '(' + cast(c.prec as varchar(50)) + ')'


    from sysobjects s

    inner join syscolumns c on s.id = c.id

    inner join systypes t on t.xusertype = c.xtype

    where s.xtype='U' and

    (s.name = 'tIndividuals' or s.name = 'ProductStatus' or s.name = 'ProductBrandCode')

    order by s.name , c.colid

    open CreateParam

    fetch next from CreateParam into @name, @coldefinition

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    set @sqlstmt = ''

    set @sqlstmt = rtrim(@sqlstmt) + rtrim(@name) + ' ' + rtrim(@coldefinition)

    print rtrim(@sqlstmt)

    fetch next from CreateParam into @name, @coldefinition


    close CreateParam

    deallocate CreateParam
