• CriquedeSQL... I think you missunderstood the question above. I think he is saying that he installed SQL 2008 and SSIS on one server (let it be a DEV box). Then he installed a SQL server clinet tools and BIDS in his developer local machine. COrrect me if i am wrong here.

    If i am not wrong then..you still have to enable your IIS to run and build SSIS packages and also SSIS services at local machine should be running too. Now I cannot verify that since I do have a SQL engine installed locally to my machine.

    I do a lot of ssis too.

    I usually ask for remote desktop connection and log to dev box and build my ssis packages in that dev box rather than my local machine. This way it helps me a lot of trouble during my own test and build.

    Let say If I build a ssis locally in my local machine then the drive and folder strcuture would be different than the DEV machine. SO I have to modify many things before even i test it on my own. COnnection issue and Path issue....

    This is just my thought....