• I don't see this article as arguing for XML as a data management tool, in fact I see it as agreeing that XML is not a management tool, but a communication tool.

    I do agree that any agreed upon format will work and that XML is bloated, but people everywhere have jumped on XML as the agreed upon format of choice. Why is that?

    I am sure that there are many reasons, but I think that flexibility and readability are at the top of the list. Sure CSV could probably do everything that XML can do, but at what cost? I know after working with XML, CSV and other flat file input types, I'll choose XML everytime for the ease at which I can parse out complex relationships. Readability, while I agree not important for the machine, does save developer hours trying to debug and develop. I would say that XML has been the communication tool of choice because it is simple and it works and it is the easiest most powerful way at the moment to communicate data. Does it have it's shortfalls, yes but as the author pointed out, it is useful for certain purposes.

    I think that this discussion is great, and that all developers need to think about the consequences of the tools and methods that they choose, and understand the shortfalls of the latest buzzword technology.