• Megistal (7/8/2009)

    I had the same issue as posted.

    This is related to a faulty backup.

    I tested it again a good one versus a corrupted copy. Both were check each time with a md5sum. The corrupted one always showed the screenshot error and failed the VERIFYONLY test while the good one not.

    If trying to restore the faulty backup through SSMS, it can report it as a tape backup or an invalid media backup and refuse to restore it.

    I've not try through t-sql however.

    In other words, go get another backup.

    I know this is an old thread but i just ran into this problem, and the backup isnt faulty.

    I got the specified cast is not valid trying to restore a 2.5 TB native backup file from data domain (network backup device) using the SSMS, if you build the tsql script it works just fine, just figured i would comment on that