• this is how I formatted the time (using msdb.dbo.sysjobs though...). I am fairly new to more advanced SQL so hopefully I didn't waste too much time after seeing that above :crying:


    when sjs.active_start_time = '0'

    then '00:00:00'

    when sjs.active_start_time < 1000

    then '00'+':0'+substring(cast(sjs.active_start_time as varchar(6)),1,1)+':00'

    when sjs.active_start_time < 10000

    then '00'+':'+substring(cast(sjs.active_start_time as varchar(6)),1,2)+':00'

    when sjs.active_start_time < 100000

    then '0'+

    substring(cast(sjs.active_start_time as varchar(6)),1,1)+':'+

    substring(cast(sjs.active_start_time as varchar(6)),2,2)+':'+

    substring(cast(sjs.active_start_time as varchar(6)),4,2)

    when sjs.active_start_time >= 100000

    then substring(cast(sjs.active_start_time as varchar(6)),1,2)+':'+

    substring(cast(sjs.active_start_time as varchar(6)),3,2)+':'+

    substring(cast(sjs.active_start_time as varchar(6)),5,2)

    else null

    end,108) as new_active_start_time

    --select top 5 *

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs sj

    left outer join msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules sjs

    on sj.job_id = sjs.job_id

    and sjs.enabled = 1