• If there is one people type I like to work with it is military. I never was military myself but I would say i have a similar work ethic to many. If you are tasked with something or there is an opportunity you take it. The ones who already are retired from the Military and have a pension are there to work. The paycheck seems secondary. This means there are no hidden agendas. Whereas there is another type of person that I have grown to dislike in several of my previous careers. That is the person who is belligerent and pushes back when asked to do something by anyone but the boss. I look at work as a team environment where we are all in it together. Of course everyone has different roles and tasks but it takes everyone pitching in and having similar goals to be a successful group. Yes I have flubbed my duties at times and yes they have too... but it is important to forget those and strive toward helping each other. If someone asks a question give them your honest opinion but don't belabor them with useless forks in the road. Ok enough rambling.

    At least once a week i remind myself that EVERYONE is replaceable. It keeps my mindset in the right place. It is easy to go down the road of 'I am important and gosh darnit people like me.' But in all reality you fill a role that someone before you likely filled equally as well and someone after you will also fill equally as well. They may have or will even do better.