• Richard Gibbins (12/14/2009)

    To see what happened when there is a null value, I tried:

    declare @txt varchar(255)

    set @txt = 'Question'

    insert xxx values ('')

    select @txt = isnull (a, '?') from xxx order by i

    and got a null string and not "?" as I was expecting.

    In SQL Server, an empty string and a NULL value are not the same.

    It can be shown by this:

    create table #xxx (i int identity, a varchar(3))

    declare @txt varchar(255)

    set @txt = 'Question'

    insert #xxx values ('')

    select @txt = isnull (a, '?') from #xxx order by i

    select @txt -- the result is '' (empty string)

    insert #xxx values (null)

    select @txt = isnull (a, '?') from #xxx order by i

    select @txt -- the result is '?'

    select @txt = a from #xxx order by i

    select @txt -- the result is NULL

    drop table #xxx

    and this:

    declare @var varchar(255)

    set @var = ''

    if @var is null select 'NULL' else select 'NOT NULL' -- the result is 'NOT NULL'

    set @var = null

    if @var is null select 'NULL' else select 'NOT NULL' -- the result is 'NULL'

    As far as I know, NULLs and empty strings are equal in Oracle. But in SQL Server they are not.