• I thought this was an excellent article. I agree with Barry's suggestion regarding certification. It's simply one of the things you can do to guide your training in new areas you might not otherwise experience in your day-to-day work. Speaking from experience, it does help you become a better dba.

    When I first became a dba, I got my SQL 2000 certification after working through a lot of self-tests and training materials. Later when I was much more advanced, I got the SQL 2005 certification with very little trouble. I worked through the sample tests, and that's it. Then when I got my SQL 2008 certification, I didn't study for it all. I just walked in and took the tests.

    Certification itslef didn't make me a better dba, but the training I pursued to get it definitely did make me better.

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    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, Data Platform MVP
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