• G33kKahuna (12/2/2009)

    Jacek, Giving you a hard time was not my intention. When you post an article with a title "Using Server Side Traces for Dynamic Performance Evaluation" but offer up very little in the world of performance evaluation; you got to expect challenges. Sorry you feel chastised ...

    I did not feel chastised at all. I might be a bit disappointed you did not find anything useful in this article. 😉

    As I mentioned before - everyone is entitled to their own opinions and each opinion is as valuable as any other.

    I can put it this way - your job is to express your opinion - my job is to accept it or ignore it. No hard feelings...

    As far as the dynamic part is concerned I think you might have taken the wrong definition of the word 'dynamic'. The dynamic refers to the dynamics of the various SPs have on each other rather then about the on the spot performance measurements of the system. If you need the 'right now' (dynamic) view into the system then the DMV you mentioned are probably just fine.

    For example one lesson I learned using the method described in the article is how the autogrowth of the log and data files can negatively impact the performance of SPs in extreme cases.

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    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]