Home Forums SQL Server 2005 T-SQL (SS2K5) Select statment problem in cursor using datetimes RE: Select statment problem in cursor using datetimes

  • Per Lynn's quoted reply below. Being new to SQL (my background was some light VB programming) I am unclear by what is meant by a set based solution. Most of the time I am working in SQL to derive specific rows of data meeting a specific criteria.

    In the task I am currently working on, we have a table with Notes - basic fields are note entry date, note author, author's e-mail address, note type, the note itself, and the associated companyname. Normally I would search row by row for notes that meet a specified criteria, usually using a cursor. Are you stating to run a different type of query and pull all the row results into a "set"? If so, what is the difference between running a cursor and pulling rows together in a set? Sorry, but I am unclear about the "set-based solution".

    Please advise.

    Lynn Pettis (11/20/2009)

    Not having any test data or the table structure either, here is a possible set-based solution to your cursor-based solution you are currently using.

    DECLARE @tempnotes TABLE (

    entrydate datetime

    , notetype nvarchar(30)

    , employeename nvarchar(50)

    , title nvarchar(30)

    , emailaddress nvarchar(255)

    , companyname nvarchar(60)

    , firstname nvarchar(20)

    , middleinit nvarchar(1)

    , lastname nvarchar(30)

    , companyid uniqueidentifier

    , employeeid uniqueidentifier

    , icompemployeeid uniqueidentifier


    insert into @tempnotes



    , n.notetype

    , i.employeename

    , i.title

    , i.emailaddress

    , x.companyname

    , c.firstname

    , c.middleinit

    , c.lastname

    , n.companyid

    , n.employeeid

    , i.employeeid

    --, n.contactid

    --, c.contactid

    --, n.entrydate --- used for entrydate conversion


    dbo.NOTE_tblNote n

    inner join dbo.ICOMP_tblEmployee i

    on (n.employeeid = i.employeeid)

    inner join XCOMP_tblCompany x

    on (n.companyid = x.companyid)

    inner join CON_tblContact c

    on (n.contactid = c.contactid)


    n.entrydate >= dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), -10) -- Notes entered 10 days ago

    and n.entrydate < dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), -9) -- but not 9 days ago




    @tempnotes -- what data was entered