• I would love to be a giver - if I had anything to give. I fell into the DBA role by being the developer who was willing to give new things a try. What I know about the system/network side of DBA work can be printed on a postage stamp (do they still exist?). I've been a DBA for only 3 years, now, and am still learning so much from just reading the forums that I feel that I know nothing yet. Still, as both the production and development DBA of a company with 3000+ users, my colleagues amazingly come to me for help and advice which, even more amazingly, I find that I am actually able to provide.

    Of all of the forums, SQL Server Central has made the most difference to my career - by far.

    My thanks to all of the givers on this site; my thanks, also, to the takers who ask the givers - you give by asking pertinent questions.

    When I am sufficiently knowledgeable, I plan to become one of the givers, myself.

    So, to the Givers of SQL Server Central, I salute you! Thank you.