Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Backups sql server 2000 backup/authentication to network share - access denied os error 5 RE: sql server 2000 backup/authentication to network share - access denied os error 5

  • Also while looking for something else..

    Does your server domain account have these permissions on the local server:

    Setting Required Permissions

    To perform its functions, SQL Server Agent must be configured to use the credentials of an account that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role in SQL Server. The account must have the following Windows permissions:

    Adjust memory quotas for a process

    Act as part of the operating system

    Bypass traverse checking

    Log on as a batch job

    Log on as a service

    Replace a process level token


    That is a really good point. In SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Configuration Manager adds those rights to the account when it is defined, but not so when done through the services mmc in Windows.

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"