Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Administration How to determine SQLAgent Job Name from Activity Monitor? RE: How to determine SQLAgent Job Name from Activity Monitor?

  • AVB (11/20/2009)

    I was reviewing activity thru the activity monitor trying to determin why my CPU is @ 99%....anyways I noticed a process with a large wait time. This process shows it was a SQL Agent JOb running however the name is in hexidecimal format so I have no idea what the actual job is.

    Here is the name:

    SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0xF1CA1968020D2647B0E1D42483AA2695 : Step 1)

    I've searched the titles of all my jobs (some of which use an alphanumeric name) but none match this or any part of it.

    Do I need to run the DTSRun command such as:

    DTSRun /~0xF1CA1968020D2647B0E1D42483AA2695 !X !C ??

    AVB (11/20/2009)


    That's where I was looking. Thanks for the reply though.

    Your initial post says you are using Activity Monitor and I am suggesting you to look at the Job Activity Monitor.

    Activity Monitor and Job Activity Monitor are 2 separate Monitoring tools in SSMS.

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