• Licensing issues for enterprise wide products:

    Small organizations may not be able to afford to overpay, so tracking individual licenses is worth it. Large organization may not be able to track individual licensing even with staff to do it, so they will overpay to avoid headline making allegations.

    Scenarios in my organization where enterprise wide licensing is in use (SQL or MS or other):

    1) One person: 1 computer daily, regular weekly use of one of several "check out" laptops

    2) One person 2 computers: One desktop, one laptop, uniquely assigned them, both used daily.

    3) Two computers: a pool of between 10 and 30 (seasonal) staff who use it regularly

    4) One computer: the possibility of any of 50 local users who could use it in order to access particular hardware capability in any one month

    5) One computer: one primary user but when out of office, one of 7 staff members uses it one - two hours at a time