• Jeff Moden (11/5/2009)

    Most of it is all very, very fast because it uses BCP behind the scenes.

    Are you sure, Jeff?

    I know the initial snapshot uses BCP, but (unless it's changed radically since SQL 2000), I thought the transactions were then reconstructed as individual insert/update/delete statements for application to the subscriber. It replicates "transactions" (usually involving > 1 table), and therefore has to apply the changes in the same sequence they were done on the publisher.

    Code2Solutions (11/6/2009)

    Since transaction replication is written to the secondary database, does that mean that the entire secondary database is read-only?

    No restrictions are placed on the secondary (subscriber) database... even for the tables being replicated.

    The activity on the subscriber database can have a major impact on the latency.

    If you run any heavy duty reports on the subscriber, you can easily lock rows/tables, delaying the distributor's attempts to update the subscriber.

    Having said that, if you don't do much on the subscriber, then it's usually a pretty slick process.