• At a high level my approach to promoting changes are as follows:


    Identify and notify stake holders of upcoming change and secure approval. If the change is coming as a request then there has to be sufficient documentation to validate the need and scope of the change.

    Document what database objects are affected by the change and any possible outages (need for server reboots etc..)

    Document your implementation plan. Be sure to give yourself step by step instructions. This will be a great help should you need to roll back your change. A common implementation plan for me would look something like this.

    - Backup database(s) to (drive\path)

    - Script out objects to be effected to file (drive\path)

    - Run tsql script (script name).

    - Run test query to validate change.

    - Notify stake holders that change is complete

    Document your roll back plan. What will you do should the change fail? How will you restore the system to it's previous state? If you have a good implementation plan then roll back should be pretty easy to plan for.


    The most important thing about implementation is to follow your plan, just as you wrote it. If you go off-script in production you are only going to hurt yourself. If a problem with your change creeps up a week later, you'll be glad you stuck to your plan. Trust me, you will not remember what you did last week unless you document it.

    Set your window and stick to it. Normally a change in production is going to be done outside of normal business hours so as to minimize impact to users. Set a start and finish time for your change as well as a back-out time. There is no point struggling all night to put in a change that is not working. It's better to roll back and revisit at another time when you are rested and thinking clearly.


    I will typically log in to a system the day after a change and make sure that everything is OK. If it is something that won't be seen until a certain time like a new scheduled job or batch run, then I will check on it after the job is scheduled to run. It's better if you spot a problem then if you wait until your users see it.

    The most important piece of change management is document, document, document. You'll be glad you did.