• neat one dystarry. And here's the solution for rows grouped by type_id:

    declare @type_id int

    declare cursor1 CURSOR FAST_FORWARD FOR SELECT distinct type_id FROM fruit

    drop table #Temp

    create table #Temp (region_id int, atext varchar(100))

    open cursor1

    fetch next from cursor1 into @type_id

    while @@fetch_status = 0


    print @type_id

    insert into #Temp (region_id, atext)

    select distinct @type_id,

    STUFF((SELECT ', ' + name FROM dbo.fruit where type_id = @type_id FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')

    from fruit

    --group by region_id

    fetch next from cursor1 into @type_id


    close cursor1

    deallocate cursor1

    select * from #Temp