• I thought this was a good question because I've run across a number of people who didn't realize it was possible, but the example troubles me. It just won't work. I almost answered no, thinking it was a trick question. The example really needs to be cleaned up.

    update table

    set a1.coulmn=a2.column<

    from table1 as a1, table2 as a2

    where a1.colum1 = a2.column2

    First, just saying UPDATE TABLE will throw an error. It should say UPDATE

    , unless it is a typo. I am assuming it's a typo, just like the typos in spelling "column" and the extra < at the end of one line. If not, it reads as if there were three tables: "table", "table1" and "table2"... which won't work either.

    We are supposed to be updating the table specified in the first line, but instead the code tries to set a value of a column that was aliased in the FROM (TABLE1 as A1). I've never seen that format so I cleaned it up at little and tested it. It throws the following error:

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 33

    The multi-part identifier "a1.val" could not be bound.

    The only columns which can be updated are those belonging to the table which is the subject of the UPDATE. That table's name is specified immediately after the word UPDATE, and not necessarily after the FROM. Since only one target table can be the target, the names of the target columns do not need to be qualified, although the source column should be.

    Two correct formats for using FROM with an UPDATE are found in the examples below.

    ;with cte (id, val) as (

    select 1,'A' union all

    select 2,'B' union all

    select 3,'C'


    select *

    into [table1]

    from cte

    ;with cte (id, val) as (

    select 1,'X' union all

    select 2,'Y' union all

    select 3,'Z'


    select *

    into [table2]

    from cte

    select 'Table1',* from [table1]

    select 'Table2',* from [table2]

    select 'NOW THE UPDATE HAPPENS' as [GASP!!!]


    ----------- proper format for using a FROM clause in an update


    update table1

    set val=a2.val

    from table1 a1

    join table2 a2 on a1.id = a2.id

    ----------- (yes, i used a join instead of tablelist/where)


    select 'Table1',* from [table1]

    drop table table1

    drop table table2

    Alternatively this will work as well

    update table1

    set val=a2.val

    from table2 a2

    where table1.id = a2.id


    Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
    Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills