• All...

    I have corrected the code..As it has flaws dealing with date comparison...And hence you are not getting the GROWTH amount on weekly runs...

    Here is the UPDATED code (works for 2005, 2008)....Also, I have converted the GrowthAMT to Numeric (instead of VARCHAR), --- Allowing you to export the results in EXCEL for further number crunching

    Let me know if this works for your environments.

    --PART 1 (UPDATED, Jignesh Rajgor 08/25/2009)

    If exists (Select name from sys.objects where name = 'DBGrowthRate' and Type = 'U')

    Drop Table dbo.DBGrowthRate

    Create Table dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBGrowthID int identity(1,1), DBName varchar(100), DBID int,

    NumPages int, OrigSize decimal(10,2), CurSize decimal(10,2), GrowthAmt decimal(10,2),

    MetricDate datetime)

    Select sd.name as DBName, mf.name as FileName, mf.database_id, file_id, size

    into #TempDBSize

    from sys.databases sd

    join sys.master_files mf

    on sd.database_ID = mf.database_ID

    Order by mf.database_id, sd.name

    Insert into dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBName, DBID, NumPages, OrigSize, CurSize, GrowthAmt, MetricDate)

    (Select tds.DBName, tds.database_ID, Sum(tds.Size) as NumPages,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as OrigSize,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as CurSize,

    0 as GrowthAmt, GetDate() as MetricDate

    from #TempDBSize tds

    where tds.database_ID not in (Select Distinct DBID from DBGrowthRate

    where DBName = tds.database_ID)

    Group by tds.database_ID, tds.DBName)

    Drop table #TempDBSize

    Select *

    from DBGrowthRate

    --Above creates initial table and checks initial data

    --PART 2

    --Below is the code run weekly to check the growth.

    Select sd.name as DBName, mf.name as FileName, mf.database_id, file_id, size

    into #TempDBSize2

    from sys.databases sd

    join sys.master_files mf

    on sd.database_ID = mf.database_ID

    Order by mf.database_id, sd.name

    If Exists (Select Distinct DBName from #TempDBSize2

    where DBName in (Select Distinct DBName from DBGrowthRate))

    and GetDate() > (Select Distinct Max(MetricDate) as MetricDate from DBGrowthRate)


    Insert into dbo.DBGrowthRate (DBName, DBID, NumPages, OrigSize, CurSize, GrowthAmt, MetricDate)

    (Select tds.DBName, tds.database_ID, Sum(tds.Size) as NumPages,

    dgr.CurSize as OrigSize,

    Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024)) as CurSize,

    ((Convert(decimal(10,2),(((Sum(Convert(decimal(10,2),tds.Size)) * 8000)/1024)/1024))) - dgr.CurSize )as GrowthAmt, GetDate() as MetricDate

    from #TempDBSize2 tds

    join DBGrowthRate dgr

    on tds.database_ID = dgr.DBID

    Where DBGrowthID = (Select Distinct Max(DBGrowthID) from DBGrowthRate

    where DBID = dgr.DBID)

    Group by tds.database_ID, tds.DBName,dgr.CurSize, dgr.OrigSize)


    --Select *

    --from DBGrowthRate

    ----Verifies values were entered

    Drop table #TempDBSize2