• Yep, agree with all this but I would add documentation to the list.

    The situation I am in is where the stored procedures are effectively an interface to the database layer. My developers access the database via that interface layer.

    The result of this is that the stored procedures have to be fully documented so that we don't end up with hundreds of stored procedures, all doing something very similar but not quite the same.

    As we work with a number of web and cms (content management systems) these applications get hit by a stress testing tool. OK I've never had problems with the database server side of things partly because we tend to over-specify from day one and partly because IIS is the main bottle-neck!

    I haven't been able to find any instructions for the Visual Studio Application Performance Explorer but I believe that this would help stress test the database.

    We do use SourceSafe but isn't it about time MS updated it? It looks very Windows 3.0.