• Hi,

    Adding some more information....

    Actually im planning to use an execute sql task so that i can call a stored procedure with that parameters....

    The reason im not using the ole db destination is that im having master-detail relationship for these tables...

    i.e when im inserting data to tblUsers after inserting say 1000 records for tblUsers ill have to insert the corresponding records ( recently inserted 1000 records) of tblUsers from another table ( say tblUserPersonalDetailsTemp) to the main table ( say tblUserPersonalDetails). ie im having identity property for the primary key of these tables..So inserting a record for tblUsers will generate a identity value..This identity value ( say UserId ) is a foreign key in the table tblUserPersonalDetails.

    The value supplied for id from the excel is a temp value just for understanding purpose...So the real id value is generated after insertion of each row as identity value...and i use this identity value as the foreign key column for the other table...

    Im not sure whether this can be preformed without using a sp and using a control in ssis....

    Please let me know if there is another way..

    In short what i need to do..

    1) Read the data from different data sheets in a excel file to a temp table...

    2) Each sheet represents a table..

    3) Insert data from each table in batch to its master tables.

    What i tried


    1) Read data from the excel file ( data sheet 1 for tblUsers) to a temp table tblUserTemp -- It is a data flow task.

    2) Read data from the excel file ( data sheet 2 for tblUserPersonalDetails) to a temp table tblUserPersonalDetailsTemp-- It is also a data flow task.

    3)Get all data from the tblUserTemp which are not processed - execute sql task - Using a sp for this..

    4) Using a for loop to iterate through resultset...- FOR EACH loop Container

    5) Inside the for loop use a execute sql task ( call a sp for the purpose of insertion to the master detail tables.) - Sp written as a transaction..

    So each row treated as a transaction...



    The process seems to be slow as its takes more than an hour to process 30000 records for the tblUser table...

    Is there any alternative so that i can increase performance ?

    Thanks in advance,
