• I have a chair too. I think it's blue. Yup, blue. Chairs aren't a big deal to me as long as they meet a certain minimum standard, and my standards aren't all that high. I'm 6' 4" so basically it has to be big enough and the arms can't be all ripped up and catching on stuff. I have found a blue one that works for me, so I'm good.

    If you need a new chair I can't endorse the used market loudly enough. New office chairs are like sports cars, with a tremendous prestige value worked into the pricing and a precipitous value drop the moment it leaves the lot. There are lots of decent chairs out there pre-purchased by folks who are now out of business. Avail yourself of their sacrifice and give a good home to a good chair.

    [font="Arial"]Are you lost daddy? I asked tenderly.
    Shut up he explained.
    - Ring Lardner