Home Forums SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Add custom attribute so that I can measure the orders that contain a list of products but does not contain another list of products RE: Add custom attribute so that I can measure the orders that contain a list of products but does not contain another list of products

  • Thank you for your reply Steve

    Your method is appropriate if I would know the query beforehand so that I can code it . Unfortunately I need the flexibility for the user to be able to select from 2 lists (Dynamically at query time from the cube)

    1. the list of products that the orders can include ( lets say the user select 9 ,10,11,12 )

    2. the list of products that the orders should not contain (lets say the user select 22 ,4,15,7 )

    Then the list of orders will contain all orders that contain the list from item 1. (and obviously these orders can contain another products as long as they contain the ones in item 1 and DOES NOT contain any of the products in item list 2)

    Exactly like in your code, with the only exception that it has to be generated ad-hoc.
