• One of my least favorite phrases is "It will never happen here". In the 1962 novel, "Fail-Safe", author Eugene Burdick speculated on what would happen if all of the people responsible for our nuclear defense failed to foresee all of the possibilities. They do indeed fail, with New York and Moscow lost as a result. I'd sure like to think that such extreme events are limited to the imaginations of writers who produce 'the Matrix' and 'Terminator', but maybe the occasional loss of enough corporate data to destroy a company isn't too much for the imagination in a world where we trust everything to systems outside of our control? And forget accidental system failures - there appears to be small armies of warped people with too much time on their hands creatng viruses and other mischeif - what if one of them gets lucky on the cloud?

    Carefully put things into the cloud? Sure. Make sure you have something to fall back on? Double sure.

    “Politicians are like diapers. They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.”